Reading Strategy 6: Point out sight words

Phonics is a useful way to learn new words, but most of the time we sight read. Our brains are excellent at isolating patterns, most of the time it is that patterning of text and the shape of the words that we ‘read’. This ability develops over years of being exposed to text. As your children […]
Reading Strategy 5: Introduce the book

Books have authors and illustrators – they are creative works of art and it helps to point out the names of the author and illustrator. Talk about the cover and speculate what the book may be about. Ask questions like, “Do you think the story will be funny? Scary?” Estrategia de lectura 5: Presenta el […]
Reading Strategy 4: Show them how books work

There are conventions to reading which also need to be learned, and so it helps to introduce those ideas from an early age. Turn the book upside down and ask your child «is this is the right way?» Move your fingers across the text as you read. Point out elements in the illustrations which also appear in the text. Estrategia […]
Educación híbrida, el nuevo reto que se avecina.

Esta epidemia definitivamente nos ha cambiado la vida. Tras más de un año y medio de aislamiento, nos hemos ajustado al trabajo en casa, al home learning, a pedir todo a domicilio, a no tocar si quiera a nuestros seres queridos y a un puñado más de cosas. Aunque muchas actividades se han reactivado y […]
Reading Strategy 3: Choose books for the right age level

Books that are too long can be boring. Books with the wrong types of illustrations can scare children. The books you chose are important. Infants like books which can be mouthed and pulled without being ripped to pieces. Toddlers like books about things similar to their everyday experiences –family activities such as going to school, […]
Reading Strategy 2: Start early and be consistent

I have been reading actively to my son since he was born, and reading is a natural part of his life. We have had at least one book a day – everyday his whole life. Some books we read over and over, some books we only read once; some books have stories, some are just […]
Reading Strategy 1: If you love it, they will too

Firstly, the most important thing children need to acquire is a love of reading. If children love books — and are being read to — then I can guarantee they will become avid readers; it is simply a natural extension of the process. Enjoying books naturally leads to interest in text and a desire to […]
Playing is Serious Learning

Our Maple Bear Early Childhood programs emphasize play and play-based learning as critical components of the curriculum. Whether the children are learning language or developing literacy, exploring numeracy or discovering the natural world, play-based activities and experiences really enhance a wide-range of skills. And that is why we love providing the best Canadian Education through […]
What is Play-Based Learning?

Any activity or experience can be considered play-based learning, as long as: It is motivating and no expectation of a reward There’s an opportunity to self-direct and make choices It is creative or has an imaginative component There is full engagement from the child – both physically and mentally There’s an opportunity to repeat and […]
Play-Based Learning at school called Learning Centers

One of the ways that Maple Bear Arequipa incorporates play with learning is through what is known as “learning centres”. There are different learning areas in each classroom dedicated to our students to work with their teachers and with their friends when they return to school. The learning centre areas at Maple Bear are designed […]