Tecnología para la Innovación en Educación: Nuevas Herramientas

La Innovación en Educación tiene nuevas tendencias tecnológicas que ayudan al estudiante en el proceso de enseñanza. ¡Descubre cuáles son!Son muchos los avances tecnológicos que se han implementado en la educación en los últimos 10 años. Estos se encuentran entre los principales retos de universidades y centros educativos porque mejoran la experiencia de los alumnos […]

What is Play-Based Learning?

Any activity or experience can be considered play-based learning, as long as: It is motivating and no expectation of a reward There’s an opportunity to self-direct and make choices It is creative or has an imaginative component There is full engagement from the child – both physically and mentally There’s an opportunity to repeat and […]

Play-Based Learning at school called Learning Centers

One of the ways that Maple Bear Arequipa incorporates play with learning is through what is known as “learning centres”. There are different learning areas in each classroom dedicated to our students to work with their teachers and with their friends when they return to school. The learning centre areas at Maple Bear are designed […]